Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Christmas Time (Part 2)

Good morning!!

So, I left you last night with my ideas of Christmas decorating! Today, we're going to look at Christmas shopping. Now, I understand that some people aren't interested in spending a lot of money on buying gifts for EVERYONE, however, I am not one of those people. People have reasons for not wanting to spend the money, either they don't have it, they want to keep it, or any other reason you can think of. Personally, I love buying gifts. If I don't have enough money to actually buy someone what I want to give them, I get really disappointed. Maybe I have a big heart, or maybe I just really like giving gifts. I love watching people open up gifts they didn't expect to get. Their faces are priceless!

Christmas isn't only about gifts, but for me, it's a huge part. I like to start my Christmas shopping well in advance. This way, I'm able to start getting ideas for what to give people, and then I'm not too stressed by the time Christmas comes around. I also enjoy saving a few purchases till the very end. I love being out in the busy shopping centers with everyone crowded, rushing around, and waiting in long line-ups. Most people find this somewhat annoying, but I enjoy it.

While Christmas shopping, I enjoy being in stores that play Christmas music, watching the snow falling on the streets, and getting the jolt of cold air that you receive when moving from store to store. One very important thing to remember while shopping: Even if you're too old to sit on his knee, always stop and take a look at Santa.Notice how happy the kids are while waiting in line for a chance to tell "the big guy" what they want for Christmas.

Once the bank account is drained and all the gifts are purchased, it's time to wrap! Wrapping includes drinking hot chocolate, eating baked goods and listening to Christmas carols. In order to wrap your gifts successfully, you need boxes, bags, wrapping paper, tissue paper, ribbons, bows, tags, tape, scissors, and a pen. Once every gift has been wrapped to your satisfaction, the only thing left to do is put them under the tree!

Now, you're one step closer to being ready for Christmas!!!
Tomorrow: The Christmas Tree!

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