Wednesday, April 15, 2009

a week of information

So, today I came into school and realized that my class was cancelled, so instead of using this time to work on homework (like any good student), I decided to finally sit down and blog, yay!! So, here I am, sitting in a computer lab that I think has a class going on, but there's only like 4 students and they're just talking and having fun, and I'm just listening to my ipod and blogging. :)
So, some thoughts....
Caleb got a job at the bank, yay, but he just found out that Fridays are "Jean Fridays", this means that he has to wear jeans to work. If you don't know Caleb, he has never worn jeans since he was like 7 or 8 years old, and he doesn't even own a pair. People often wonder how this is possible, and what type of pants he wears. So, yesterday we went to the mall, and found 2 really nice pairs of jeans. When the guy asked Caleb what style he likes, we both laughed and Caleb said that he didn't know. I informed the sales person that Caleb doesn't own jeans and never wears them. The guy looked puzzled and walked around the counter to see what type of pants Caleb was wearing. I laughed!! I bought Caleb the jeans we found as a present for a) getting the job, and b) because I wanted to be the one to buy his first pair of jeans!!!!! I told him aloooooong time ago that jeans would look really good on him :) So now, I think he is going to expct a lot of compliments from me each time he wears them, which I think starts tonight! I'm just happy because I thought this day would never come!! :) :)
Sarah is coming home on Saturday. This is exciting because I like never talk to her, and don't see her alot because she's been away at school in Windsor, the University of Windsor, actually. Anyways, I talked to her a couple of nights ago and we are both excited to be reunited and do lots of sister stuff over the summer. She will be busy because she works alot and is going to FRANCE!!!! and has friends and stuff, but we are still going to hang out, ALOT. It's good that she is busy though, because I'm going to be busy with working and being in a wedding and going to weddings and showers, etc. etc.
This morning, my dad knocked on my door and woke me up and told me that we had a house showing in like 2 hours. It's good because we're trying to sell our house, and that would make my dad really happy, but I had to clean and stuff so I got really hot with all the cleaning and then when I left, 2 seconds before the people showed up, I went outside and it was SUPER hot outside. Then, I went to the mall and bought a really nice sweater that was on sale and then when I paid for it, it was even cheaper :) :) but I can't wear it right now, because it's way to hot outside for a sweater.
The other day I was thinking about really random things, and I realized that I really really really like juice boxes. They are like my favorite thing in the whole world, and I bring them everywhere with me, and last night I went to Wal-Mart with Caleb and I bought 3 packages of them. That's alot of juice boxes!!!! I also was thinking about how much I like my purple hair extensions, and I realized that I've had them for a long time, and they starting to get tangled at the top and growing out and stuff, so I might have to take them out :( I really really don't want to, but I might put more in after Raeh and Alex's wedding :) I also got a new retainer last week. It's a really small one, for my bottom teeth, because my 'permanent' one broke. So now I have a pink one for my bottom teeth, and a purple one with sparkles for my top teeth. And I keep them in a pink case, which was hard to pick out because they had a purple and a pink case, but I went with the pink case because it's brighter and I won't lose it as easily. But the retainer really hurt when I first got it, and the lady had to make it smaller because it was cutting my mouth and making my eyes water when I tried to take it out. Oh, and my brother David is going to get braces in like a year, so I won't be the only sibling in my family that had braces, which sucks for him, but I don't mind :)
Okay, so that was ALOT of randomness, but it's better to get it out than keep it bottled up inside. I feel much better. :) :)

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