Monday, February 23, 2009 I spilled tea on my pants :(

This morning in my International Culinary Appreciation class we had our midterm. When I was done I went to the cafeteria to buy food and tea :) - this makes me happy. Then as I was drinking my tea, it slipped out of my hands and spilled all over the crotch of my pants :( - this makes me sad. I spent 20 minutes in the bathroom, bent over under a hand-dryer. My pants are sticky and stinky... I was not impressed....

Friday, February 20, 2009

The story of the accident

So one morning I was just about to leave my house for my 8:00 class when it immediately started freezing rain. My dad asked if my classes would be cancelled. I briefly considered this possibility, but decided that they probably weren't because it was 7:30 when the rain started, and my classes started at 8:00. As I was putting on my boots I thought about how I just bought a car within the past week, and I didn't really feel comfortable driving this new car (manual shift) in the freezing rain, I was more comfortable driving the van. Just as these thoughts were going through my head, my dad suggested that I take the van. I readily agreed, saying that it wasn't worth anything and it wouldn't be as big of a deal if something were to happen. He agreed, and I told him that if it was really bad I'd turn around and come back. And so the journey began....

I pulled out of the garage and my windshield was immediately covered. As I drove down the road, wipers flying as quickly as possible, I found the roads to be relatively okay. I was approximately half way to school when it happened! The rain had stopped and I was following a school bus. My windshield washer fluid had just run out, so my distance behind the bus was quite great. All of the sudden my windshield cracked, a perfect line from one end to the other just above my wipers! The noise startled me, and when I realized what it was, I was a little spooked. I brushed it off, and prepared myself for the slight incline of the hill I was approaching. Just then the back end of the van began sliding, and I found myself in a sideways position, sliding across the road. I promptly removed my foot from the gas, and waited for the van to straighten out. Well, it didn't. I soon realized that I was now in the other lane, still sliding uphill, and quickly approaching a steep drop into the ditch. I remember bracing myself for the hit. I was now facing the opposite way from the original direction I was traveling in, and I was on my side in the ditch. I started panicking. I fidgeted with the key, turning the van off, and then began working on my seat belt. At first I tried to undo it gently, so that I could catch my fall. When the seat belt wouldn't budge I started working franticly to get out. It finally released, and I plummeted into the windshield. My knee smashed the glass, and my first thought was, "crap, I just made it worse." I stood up and began climbing up the seats, I tried the door, but it wouldn't open. I tried unlocking it and then opening it again. It opened a crack, and I realized the weight of lifting a door straight into the air. After a brief struggle, I made it out, using my arms and legs to rest the door on while I pulled my body out a little bit at a time. I jumped off the van, landing in a snow bank, and began shaking, partially from the cold and partially from the shock. At that moment I realized that I left everything in the van. I quickly checked my pockets and found my cell phone. I was so relieved. Then I waited....

Several cars and trucks stopped, they were mostly volunteer emergency workers. I waited in one guy’s car. He continued to talk to me, telling me to take deep breaths. I tried to keep the conversation going by saying that my travel mug of coffee probably spilled everywhere. He replied by saying, “I wouldn’t worry about that. You probably just wrote off your van.” Ha, he was very blunt. I didn’t think it was funny. I later found out that all my school books and notes were okay, that made me happy.:)

There was a small accident on the other side of the road as well. It was so slippery that some of the fire fighters were having trouble crossing the road in their boots! Fire trucks came to warn people coming over the hill of the condition of the road. Eventually my dad arrived, I gave my statement to the police officer (his daughter has the same birthday as me), my dad and I laughed when he asked what the condition of the road was when it happened, we both said, “slippery”, and then I watched the tow truck driver pull the van up and out of the ditch. The damage to the van was minimal, but considering its age and mileage, there is no point in fixing it.

The irony in the whole situation is that if I would have skipped my first class and just went for the rest of my classes, I would have been fine. The sander passed by half an hour after my accident.

Over 100 accidents were reported that morning in just 2 counties, and the freezing rain only lasted half an hour, the rest of the day was sunny and beautiful. My injuries were nothing to report, just a few scratches and some nasty bruises. I was blessed that no cars came over the hill, and that the van didn’t tip anymore while I was getting out of it, and of course that I didn’t smash my head, ha. Looking back, there’s nothing I would change…it was an experience, not necessarily a good one, but an experience nonetheless. I’m merely a statistic now…

Later that night I locked my keys in my car :( It was just one of those days!

Date: February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello to anyone and everyone ...

An introduction to the world of Emily St.Pierre .....
I've never been good at keeping a journal or a diary, unfortunately, but I feel like I always forget things that happen in my life. These things can include but are not restricted to major, life altering, future changing events, funny times where I laugh till my sides are killing me, times where I cry my guts out and I'm convinced it's impossible for me to cry anymore, etc. etc. etc. <- ha 'The King and I', ever seen it?? Anyways, I'm starting this blog as a way for me to keep track of the things happening in my life, a way for me to remember those times I hope never to forget. It's up to you whether or not you read it, but this is just something I want to do.
So for now ..... au revoir :)
